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Kickoff Meeting
Kickoff meeting of the project was held in Warsaw, Poland
Build & Design
Inclusion Through Art
“Atıktan Sanata” project focuses on inclusion, recycling and art
Erasmus+ “Atıktan Sanata Sanatla Kaynaşmaya” (From Waste to the Art, Inclusion through Art) Project Started

Project No:2023-2-TR01-KA220-SCH-000170114

“ Funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for the views expressed herein.”

Project Outputs

Teacher Training Modules

Training sessions for teachers on inclusive education, creating individual lesson plans, and using recycled materials for art.

Family Training Modules

Workshops for parents to support inclusive education. Practical sessions on creating artistic products from recycled materials.

E-Learning Platform

Development of an accessible digital platform to share training materials and resources widely.

Policy Recommendations

Preparing a report for decision-makers on using recycled materials in inclusive education.

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